
Here are some of the initiatives I am currently or have been involved with. This information can also be found in my CV.


Graduates Advising Graduate Admissions (GAGA)

Co-Lead: 06/2022 - 09/2023
Organising Committee: 01/2021 - ongoing

The Graduates Advising Graduate Admissions (GAGA) program provides the graduate student perspective to the Chair of Graduate Admissions and advises on improvements to the admissions process. (It doesnt have a logo so I made this one up as a placeholder). More information here.

This has also lead me to serve on the admissions committee for the MIT graduate program in physics (2023 & 2024 cycles), and the admissions commitee for the MIT Summer Research Program (2023 cycle).


MIT Graduate Student Union

Organising Committee: 01/2022 - 05/2023

The MIT Graduate Student Union operates fairly and democratically by distributing responsibility to the division-level. I assist with union operations in the physics department and astrophysics division.

More information here.

UCC Physics Society

UCC Physics and Astronomy Society

Organising Committee: 2017-2019

I worked with the committee of the University College Cork (UCC) physics and astronomy society for two years, acting primarily as astronomy officer. This involved organizing stargazing trips and a visit to Iceland to see the Northern lights (no aurora were witnessed, not even entirely localized within our kitchen).

Im also a co-organiser of the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research Graduate Student Lunch and Talk Series (“Grad Lunch”) since January 2022, and a volunteer office management liason for the same institute, but neither lunch nor desks have a logo :’^)